The main types of activity of “Polyclinic No. 8” CJSC are:
- Therapeutic department
- ENT cabinet
- Cardiology room
- Ophthalmology cabinet
- Neurology room
- Infectious disease office
- Surgical office
- Oncology room
- Endocrinology cabinet
- Dermatology cabinet
- Dental cabinet
- Urology room
- Functional diagnostic cabinet
- Physiotherapy room
- X-ray room
- Psychotherapy room
- Massage cabinet
- Therapeutic physical education cabinet
- Disinfection cabinet
- Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Manipulation cabinet
- Gastroenterology cabinet
- Holter Research Room
- Echocardiography room
- Laser therapy room
- Acupuncture cabinet
- Rheumatology cabinet
- Psychotherapist’s cabinet
“Polyclinic No. 8” CJSC of Yerevan Municipality was founded in 1967.
It is located in Arabkir administrative district, serves the elder people and children of Arabkir and Kentron district. Number of served population in 2015 was 46,070 people, 8,258 of which aged 0-18, 37,812 aged 18 and older.
The polyclinic has 19 therapeutic, 9 pediatric և 8 obstetric and gynecological departments.
Narrow specialized medical services are presented (adults and children) with the following services: surgical, cardiology, neurological, CCA, ophthalmological, gastroenterological, urological, dental, allergology, immunological /prof. vaccinations/, speech therapist, rheumatologist, psychologist.
Dispensary care is provided by oncology, dermatology, infectious diseases and endocrinology services.
Instrumental diagnostic services: ECG, functional diagnosis, fluorography, X-ray, physiotherapy, Holter, echocardiography, laser therapy, acupuncture.
Laboratory diagnostic services are provided by clinical, biochemical, microbiological, isoserological, cellular laboratories.